An interesting day for a number of reasons. We're just back from church, albeit temporarily converted to a polling station. Polling closes in a little while, and then we will be in to the fun and games of exit polls, early declarations, and swing-o-meters. Mind you, I have no intention of staying up all night to watch all the results come in.
The news from the US continues to be compelling, once again showing us that the Trump is some or all of a moron, gangster, incompetent, or maniac. James Comey seems to have realised pretty early on that he was dealing with a dangerous liar, and so wisely started to keep some detailed notes. Also from the President who gave us 'covfefe' we now have the President's lawyer giving us 'Predisent'.
Finally from the news round up, a UK Anglican church (Scottish Episcopal) has voted to allow gay marriage. Well done them!
Anyway, as it may have been clear from the last few days, the plan for the blog at the moment is that is has a book theme. With that in mind, whilst I was in Tonbridge on Tuesday finalising my car order, I look the opportunity to take a quick look in the second hand stores, and came away with a Bond six-in-one compilation. Checking my Gilbert (the amazing bibliography that Mum bought for me a few months ago - directly from the author, who signed it for me), the compilations are in section E, and this one is in fact E5a(1).
Then yesterday, having a wander around a couple of the TW stores, I found a US first edition of Carte Blanche. It goes with my UK first which I bought on its release in 2011 - in fact I remember buying it in the IOW when Jake and I were there on our half term holiday there.