Sunday 21 June 2009

Fathers' day

Well I've had lots of lovely Fathers' day presents - a book all about the toys from our childhood (which I've had a quick flick of so far and which deserves a post of reminiscences all of it's own later), tons of scrummy chocolate (including both Green & Black's and Milka), a new Dad mug and a new summer shirt which I am wearing right now. And, not to be forgotten are the coat hooks that Jake made for me at Cubs.

Jake is swimming at the moment and then it is off to Oaks Dene for lunch. No doubt the rest of the day will be taken up by Gran Tourismo. The good news is that Jake is getting into the driving games now. He had a £20 Game voucher and was able to get three PS2 games (preowned) yesterday - GT4, Test Drive and Fifa 08. I'm useless at the sports games but enjoy the driving ones. As Nicky says it reminds me of my misspent youth!

By the way, 6 weeks from today we'll be on holiday by the south coast, 10 weeks from today we'll be cruising on Independence of the Seas, and 6 months from today we'll be staying at the Beach Club Villas next door to Epcot. Talking of 6 months from today, it'll also be our wedding anniversary so hopefully we'll be able to go out for a nice meal together. Perhaps we should go and try out the new Waldorf Astoria that will be open by then.