Sunday 27 June 2010

This is the life

OK, it's Sunday, the sun is shining and I'm laid in the hammock in the
garden tapping away on the iPad. This is officially "the Life". The
only downside being the sense of nervous anticipation about a certain
football game this afternoon. Why couldn't we manage to come top in
our group? Then we would have had Ghana in the second round followed
by Uruguay in the quarters, but now thanks to a late goal by the USA
resulting in them winning the group ( and, truth be told, more as a
result of us drawing our first two games) we now have to face Germany
in the second round, and if we get through it, then most likely
Argentina in the quarter finals - not that these two are bogey teams
for us or anything. Please no penalties, please no sendings off!

Last night we had Steve and Abbey over for a BBQ, which was lovely.
Jake was his in-company-grown-up self, and enjoyed challenging Steve
to a game of Fifa 10, which Steve was a good sport about. The funniest
was when I played against Steve - no goals but I think we both
finished the match with about seven players left. Amazingly, despite
being with my current employer for over 15 years I think that this was
the first time we'd had colleagues over for a meal - poor form indeed.

Jake and Nicky are just back from swimming (I was at church this
morning playing for Mark's baptism) and I think that there might be a
plan to go carpet shopping in a while. May be a bit of a challenge to
drag me out of the hammock. Still, so long as we are home in time for
kick off ...