Sunday 18 July 2010

Agent Coulson

Watching the second half of Iron Man on one of the movie channels, and noticed a couple of entertaining things. Firstly, one of the locations used in the movie was the Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA (which we visited a few months ago) and secondly one of the characters was called Agent Coulson! A quick check on IMDB confirms this, and also that we can look forward to seeing this character in a number of forthcoming releases (Thor, Nick Fury and the Avengers) as well as this year's Iron Man 2. Might be reason enough for watching the films - mind you Iron Man wasn't bad for a superhero action movie.

I would have added some WD Concert Hall pictures to this post, but I am still trying to get back up to date with Flickr uploading, and I still have well over 1,000 of the California pictures to upload, so have got nowhere near LA just yet. Don't rate my chances of being up to date before we go on Independence and take a few hundred more.

Finished Superfreakonomics this week (excellent book - borrowed the first one from the on board library and read it when we were on the Legend cruise in 2006!) and also read Frankie Boyle's autobiography. Outrageous, disgusting, offensive, but also very very funny.