Wednesday 11 August 2010

Pre holiday

We're getting to the "pre holiday rules apply" stage in our house. This means that I'm wearing a pair of old tracksuit trousers this evening, as everything else is either currently in the wash or no longer allowed to be worn as per the pre holiday rules. It's omelette and chips for tea, as the pre holiday rule of no more food shopping kicked in a few days ago. Oh yes, and the other, rather more annoying rule will be enforced later this evening - get the work PC back out of the bag and carry on in a vain attempt to get everything up straight before fleeing the office for a couple of weeks.

N&J enjoyed a visit from the Pitt family on Monday this week, and unfortunately I wasn't able to get home in time to see them, so I am making do with Kate's excellent daily blog. Does rather put my occasional ramblings on here to shame, both in terms of quality and frequency of output - anyone would think that Kate was a professional!

As to today's blog question, it's a good one, and no doubt a number of others have been flinging boulders in my path for some time now, mostly at work. Having said that, the truth of the matter is that I probably put most of them there myself, which makes it all the more tragic that I continue to jump over them even after they've been cleared away!