Saturday 29 December 2012

Day 7

Busy day today - Jake and I were up and out for our game of golf this morning, leaving Nicky to get the bus to Downtown for a spot of shopping.

Jake and I arrived at the pro shop just after 9am, and only had to pay the bargain price of $38 for our 9 hole round at Oak Trail (green fees included in our Premium Annual Passes).

We collected our bucket of balls and our clubs, and hit a few balls on the range and the starter called us over a few minutes before ten to tee off. We were joined on the first tee by Steve, who was playing by himself, so joined up with us for the round. Steve was very interesting to talk to - he is a Disney employee who now works as a manager on Main Street, having spent a number of years working in their hotel operation. He is also an extremely good golfer, and even turned professional last year, although he did admit that one of the main reasons for doing it was that he can write off (for tax) his golf equipment now, but he will be playing in some tournaments early next year. Anyway, he was very patient with us given the gulf in golfing ability! He even gave Jake a bit of putting coaching on one of the green.

As for Jake, in his first ever trip around a golf course, he did brilliantly, and the difference in our scores when we added up at the end was only one shot.

Once we'd finished up, we texted Nicky and found out that she was already back at our resort, having returned by boat up the Sassagoula, so we came back here and Nicky showed off her purchases from the morning, whilst we told her of our amazing adventures and spectacular shots.

We felt that we'd earned a good lunch, and so went over to the Red Lobster at Crossroads for a feast.

I had some clam chowder!

This afternoon back at OKW we went in the pool and played some table tennis, and then this evening we've been over to Old Town in Kissimmee (which was an experience) and checked out some of the classic cars getting ready for their parade, whilst dodging the rain drops.

A stop at IHOP on our way back, and I think everyone is just about ready for bed.

Red Lobster Old Town cars Old Town cars Old Town cars