Wednesday 16 April 2014


The plan for today was pretty simple. Do an early conference call with some overseas colleagues from home, and then head into the office.

And, the plan went well, up until I made it onto the M26 at about 9.40 this morning, got a short way along it, and stopped. There I stayed, for about two and a half hours, whilst a huge number of emergency vehicles came past on the hard shoulder, several helicopters came over (some medical and some media it turned out), and we all got out and wandered around the carriageway for a while.

Eventually, the police worked their way up from the back of the queue, turning us around so that we could drive back along the road in the wrong direction, and off at the Wrotham turn.

Still, a relaxing break in the sunshine compared to the terrible events that took place at the front of the queue. All we can do is pray for the families of the people who set out on journeys this morning, and never made it.