Monday 21 March 2016

8 books

8 books
It is well known that I have a bit of a book addiction. Those who are willing to feed my habit kindly supply me with Amazon certificates when birthdays come around.
Last week, I cashed in some of them in exchange for a small batch of eight, which arrived today. They are:
  • the second and third in the "Long Earth" collaboration between Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter, to go with the first one which is already waiting on the shelves;
  • another Jon Ronson, who is very readable and this one looks particularly entertaining;
  • a new copy of To Kill A Mockingbird, bought partly to go with my Go Set a Watchman which Georgie got me for my birthday, and partly because I used to have a nice copy, but foolishly lent it to the family over the road when they went on holiday one summer. I think they all read it, and it came back very creased, which was upsetting to a book nerd like me;
  • The Poison Artist - a debut novel, but they were discussing it on the radio last week and it sounded good;
  • another Sue Townsend. Her books are running short now. I enjoyed Number 10 that I borrowed from Mum, and the Mole books ran out a while ago;
  • A Little Life (but a big book). Only just out in paperback and looks good. Makes me think a little bit of The Art of Fielding transported from college life to grown up New York, but I'm probably way off. We'll have to wait and see; and
  • The Big Short - been meaning to read this for ages. Bit like old news now, but hopefully interesting and not too complicated when getting into credit default swaps or whatever.
There - who knows how long it'll take me to get through that lot. Oh, and by the way, total cost - £27.85 for 8 books. Some savvy Amazon shopping

And I just noticed that the new Lincoln Rhyme (The Steel Kiss) is out tomorrow. Will have to see if I can be good and wait for that in paperback.