Sunday 2 January 2022


Life definitely starting to return to some semblance of post-Christmas normality, even if I'm still emerging into the world at an shockingly late hour - Tuesday is going to be quite a shock to the system. Finished off Louis Theroux's book this morning (early, having let the dog out, and before going back to sleep!). His lockdown diary was alarmingly honest (family rows, alcohol consumed etc), but it made me realise even more the benefits of regular diary keeping, given how much I have already managed to forget of the grip of full lockdown, and what 2020 was like with the world completely shut and no sign of a vaccine.

As for today, the signs of normality included Sunday roast with Nan, Nicky starting to remove some Christmas decorations whilst I took Jake out for a drive (in Nan's car - much easier to drive than mine), and watching the Sunday afternoon footie on the TV (Chelsea Liverpool) on the TV with Jake. Might have to watch some of the darts with him later on which we have bizarrely found ourselves gripped by!