Friday 21 May 2010


Working from home today, or at least I would be if I could get my work computer to connect up properly to the outside world. I'd be on the phone to our IT support team now if the carpet fitters hadn't just arrived ("we'll be with you some time after 11am"!!). I daren't get stuck into an inevitably long call with IT just now because no doubt the fitters will want to explain their plans just in the middle of some technical detail. They've already struggled with the fact that the concrete in the garage is too hard for the nails in their gripper rods. We did tell them that it was a garage with a concrete floor when we ordered the carpet, but nevermind. I think that they are currently taking all of the nails out of the grippers and then gluing them down, and that they will come back to us after their next job to give the glue time to dry.

Once the carpet is down, we may head over to Ikea this evening to get the cupboards that are going into the games room, and then, much to our excitement we can start moving some things into the games room and slightly decreasing the chaos levels in the rest of the house as things are moved from their temporary locations!

Right, carpet fitters just departed to return around lunchtime - I'd better go and phone IT.