Saturday 23 October 2010


Well if I don't get on with a post, I'm in danger of getting through an entire month without an update, which is pretty poor form, especially given that Kate has just passed 100 consecutive days of jolly good posting.

October has been a hectic time for all of us so far, and as I type Nicky and Jake are busy creating creations in the kitchen for Saturday evening tea. It's going to be sausage and bean pie followed by chocolate cheesecake - all home made and coming along very nicely indeed.

Jake has received his results for both of the 11+ tests that he sat last month, sailing through both of them with flying colours. Visits to grammar school open evenings have been taking place over the last couple of weeks, and the application form was filled in and submitted on line yesterday. Unfortunately we have to wait until the start of March to find out whether Jake has got his first choice, so it's fingers crossed until then.

Jake has also kicked off drum lessons this term (and has suggested that a drum kit could possibly go on his Christmas list - an idea that we have proposed is put on hold until he's done more than just a handful of lessons!). The lessons are at his first choice grammar school, so he gets a weekly visit to see the cool music teacher.

The other notable development with Jake over the last few weeks was that his football team won a game! As a new team they have been suffering a few defeats, but notched up their first victory (6-2) a couple of weeks ago which has helped with boosting their confidence. No fixture tomorrow (half term break) but then next Sunday they have to face the league leaders who have been beating all comers by rather large margins so far ...!

My work news isn't as positive as Jake's impressive results. I had a panel interview for a promotion (which would have been effective from the middle of next year) earlier in October, but was told that I should come back and try again next year, so the earliest I can get promoted is now the middle of 2012. Obviously I was pretty pissed off at the time, but realise now that (i) I still have a pretty decent position at work anyway, and (ii) there was some positive feedback and I have another chance next time.

Nicky has had some pretty impressive successes with her 11+ crop this year, and has already started on next year's crop. I think that everyone is just about ready for a bit of a half term break!