So today is a very special day, and we mark an important anniversary.
Now, if I was a better-educated and more literary type, then I could go on at length about the fact that on this day, 448 years ago, William Shakespeare was born. I could wax lyrical about his marvellous works, and scatter quotations around this post to impress.
But I'm not, so I won't.
(By the way, bit of a downer to shuffle off this mortal coil on your birthday isn't it?!)
Anyway, the anniversary I was thinking of was the fact that 30 years ago today, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum was launched. I remember ours with great fondness, and I dread to think how many hours I spent playing on Manic Minor and other such games. I also enjoyed learning a bit of Basic as well (and to fully confirm my nerd status, I particularly remember writing a programme to create characters for Dungeons & Dragons!).
The questions that I need Dad's help in remembering are: when exactly did you manage to get our Spectrum - was it in the year that it came out? And, I know that we had a pretty good library of games, but I'm struggling to remember very many of them - the aforementioned Minor, obviously the desk-ruining Delay Thompson's Decathlon (no doubt made all the more popular by his back-flipping high jinks, which I guess must have been at the Los Angeles Olympics), and a bit of XYZZY spring to mind, but I'm sure there were lots more?
Also, the challenge for the weekend is to help me download a decent emulator - can you get one that enables you to play games and do a bit of programming?
Happy Days!
Anyway, with those pleasant thoughts in mind, I'm off to bed now - to sleep, perchance to dream!