Tuesday 12 August 2014


We're all waking up to some pretty sad news today about the death of Robin Williams, and millions of us will have our own special memories connected to the amazing talent who was, amongst other things, an alien from the planet Ork, a loony screaming into a microphone in Vietnam, an inspirational English teacher, a dragged up Mrs Doubtfire, Hook's Peter Pan, or a wonderful blue Genie.

For me two things really stand out:

Firstly, Dead Poets. What a film! In fact, it was so good that I was so utterly wrapped up in the movie that I completely failed to notice the girl sat next to me in the cinema who was trying to get my attention. Still, that story came with a happy ending.

Secondly, You Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me. Wonderful! Robin Williams brought some of his own special brand of pixie dust and truly did create a moment of Disney magic that will simply never be forgotten.

We'll miss him.