Wednesday 1 October 2014


One of the good things about this time of year (to compensate us for colder weather and darker evenings) is that the publishers start getting busy with book releases as we move into the pre Christmas book season, and provided you steer clear of the usual 'celebrity' drivel (mostly people from shows with Essex, Geordie or Chelsea in the title) there are some great books appearing on the shelves, with lots more still to come.

Key questions of the moment are: (i) can I be patient and wait for my turn for the books that I have on order from the library, especially now that I have read the review of "Us" in the Sunday Times from the weekend which makes it sound fantastic, and I am 150+ on the waiting list?, and (ii) with this in mind, can I resist cashing in the five pounds off when you spend fifteen or more on books voucher at WHS when they are doing two hardbacks for 22?