Sunday 22 March 2015


9.30am - at breakfast in the restaurant. First time in here since last Sunday which seems a long time ago. Enjoying a slower start to the day!

11.20am - at the station waiting for the train into the city. It has started raining again, but only a light drizzle, nothing compared to the downpour of yesterday. I was extremely grateful that Nicky suggested packing Jake's waterproof jacket. Yesterday was full hood up mode, and fingers crossed for no repeat of that today. Took full advantage of the hotel buffet (eggs over easy!) and then packed up and checked out before the (pavement) walk to the station. Still can't work out Las Colinas Urban Center. Very few people about. Saw one couple walking their dog, and only other people at the station are a group of 4 who I think are visitors speaking what sounds like Japanese.

1.30pm - have found the Dallas arts district (via walking past the Deloitte office) and am currently in the Nasher Sculpture Center. Very happy as not only do they have some Matisse and Rodin, but at the bottom of the garden there is a Hepworth and even better a Henry Moore vertebrae piece. The light even got a bit brighter for photos! Next stop the Dallas Art Museum.

2pm - taking pictures of Impressionist paintings in DMA.

2.50pm - bonus FaceTime chat with Nicky thanks to DMA wifi, sat in their cafe having a drink and a snack.

4pm - having a food truck deli sandwich.

5.15pm - book to remember - Bugliosi - Four days in November.

5.30pm - back at the station waiting for my train. Not much more to report from the city, other than wanderings and photo taking. Ended up back at Dealey Plaza, so this time took some photos in the dry! Complete failure in the Texas-themed souvenirs, so let's hope I do a bit better at the airport later on.

7pm - waiting at hotel for taxi service to pick me up and take me to the airport.

8.20pm - in the Admiral's Club lounge at DFW awaiting my flight. Boarding is due to start in about half an hour so might read for a little while. Think I'll send this collection of snippets from today now. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.

(Last study book message for Nicky - will delete this later as this is temporary and just for her - "Roses are Red" - you know what to do!!)