Wednesday 19 July 2017

New garden

Jake has been having a pretty busy time over the last couple of weeks. He's just arrived back home after 5 nights in Wales doing his practice D of E expedition (which I think has gone well, apart from a minor ankle injury, but it seems as though he struggled on through). Before that he had four days of travelling around the South East doing work experience, and discovering that the world of work turned out to be OK after all, mostly thanks to working with some interesting people. And, that was hot on the heels of spending the previous weekend at a music festival in London.

So, I expect he's fairly worn out. Good job it's the end of term in a couple of days.

Well, whilst he's been dashing around, we decided to get on with a bit of a garden project, and to that end have had a bit of a sort out of the tatty old patio in the back corner of the garden, and turned it into what we think is a rather nice spot to relax with a glass of something cool during the hot weather.

Garden project Garden project Garden project Garden project