Monday 7 August 2017

Day 7 - to Monterey

A moving day today, starting with checking out in Santa Barbara and walking the 50 yards or so up the road to iHop for a slap up breakfast before starting the long leg of our north-bound journey. Apparently the coast road (Highway 1) is closed somewhere around Big Sur, so we stuck to the 101 for this leg of the journey. It was probably a wise move anyway given how far we were travelling. Not sure exactly how far we came today, but we joined the 101 around exit 100, and left it around exit 330, and our total mileage must have been close to 200. Lots of impressive Californian scenery on the way, as well as many miles of agriculture, including lots of vines!

Before coming to Monterey we stopped off in Carmel for a look around. Looks like an affluent and expensive area. Came up to Monterey via a drive along 17-mile drive past the golf courses and nice houses.

The Clement at Monterey is as lovely as last time. We are in a large room in the corner of the main building this time (still with zen garden!). This evening we've been next door to Bubba Gump's for dinner, and even managed to do well at the waitress's film trivia quiz.

(Our room is the second one up on the left of the main building in the first photo below.)

Monterey Monterey Monterey Monterey