Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Inspirational reading

Back in July I wrote a post on the way home on the train, because I'd just read the obituary of Randy Pausch. I'd heard about the Last Lecture, but didn't really know very much about it. Then, I bought the book at the airport on the way to Orlando last month, and read a bit of it whilst on holiday.

I finished it off last night, as the box of tissues sat by the bed proves! Knowing how the story ended, so to speak, made it pretty hard going towards the end, as he turned to thoughts of family - his wife and his three young children. There was a lot in his experiences that I could relate to (not least being a big Disney fan!), and as always with these things, just so much to make you stop for a minute and think about your priorities in life. It would be great to think that I could maintain such a positive, life-affirming attitude in the face of such adversity, but I'm not sure that I'd manage it.

Now that I've read the book, I really must watch the lecture some time soon.

Listening to the news today on the way to work, there were two anniversaries of note. If it "all started with a mouse" then it all started 80 years ago today, when Steamboat Willie was released, so the Mouse has been celebrating today. Also on the radio this morning was a programme about Alistair Cooke, as he would have been 100 this week. Listening to his voice is another one of those Radio 4 sounds that takes me straight back to my childhood! I must dig out my copy of his book and read some more of his letters.