Monday 19 August 2019


One of the great things about having a blog that has been running for over ten years, and with over 1,300 posts in it (even if they can be seriously sporadic at times), is that I can dip in, select a date at random, and see what I was writing about way back when.

The best ones are about family.

Some of the best stuff is about J, partly because I may have included a little detail about what he was up to on a particular day, and his life has changed rather a lot since 2007.

Today (and tomorrow for a different reason) is another one of those days for J.

So, he missed one of his exams back in May. Well, actually he had to come out of it after only 30 mins or so due to a bad headache. I so desperately hope he doesn't turn into a migraine sufferer. Of all the characteristics to pass on to your son, that's not the one to hope for. Anyway, today's the day to have another go at it, and as I type this, he'll be on his way to London for the 3-hour challenge. I know he's been working hard over the last few weeks, and I know that he has the ability and the knowledge to do well in this exam (yesterday evening he took great pleasure in explaining to me a particular question and his elegant solution). I only hope that the exam its conditions provide him with an opportunity to give the best of himself.

I hope he comes out happy, I hope he gets all the things that he deserves, and I hope that he thrives in his continuing studies when the new term comes around.

I hope so many things for my wonderful boy.

2019 Cruise Photography