Wednesday 7 August 2019


Lunch with Nicky in Tunbridge Wells today - bonus for a workday! We had a relaxing and long lunch at the café over the road. Definitely something we should do more often. Nicky left Jake at home, and he went to play tennis with some of his friends.

I failed to mention yesterday that Nicky had taken Barley to the vets for some osteopathy and acupuncture! Apparently it all went very well, Barley was very relaxed, and didn't seem to mind at all having needles stuck in her. She is having four sessions in all, and they took a video of her walking before the first treatment to compare with after the last one to see if they can see any change.

In other pet news, Willow didn't want to leave the woods today in case the squirrels came down from the trees, and Coco was having a very chilled out day.

Barley at osteo Waiting for squirrels Lazy Coco