Sunday 19 January 2020


It's that airline lounge time again. A short (by work standards) trip on this occasion - one of the Sunday to Friday versions, but doesn't make the leaving part any easier.

Jake phoned on the way over in the taxi, so great to have an opportunity to catch up with him before setting off. Sounds like he and Izzy had a good day out together yesterday, and that he's well set for the start of term proper tomorrow. Perhaps I'll get a chance to see him in my brief return to the UK in a couple of weeks, before we head off to the US - would be nice if I manage it.

Regular blog observers will have noticed that for all of the week just gone I've been rather cheating with the posts - inserting a single word title (to ensure that I can dubiously claim to have achieved a daily blog) with the intention of going back later to fill in with some more detail.

Well, I have a 12-hour flight coming up, and so no excuses about not completing the detail, for uploading when I arrive in Jakarta!