Thursday 2 January 2020


To recap on the holiday period, and share a few pictures:

25th - just the three of us - me, Nicky and Margaret, but Nicky did a fab roast beef for lunch, and otherwise we had a pretty lazy day with the Christmas TV.

26th - a much fuller and livelier house, with lots of visitors and an enjoyable time had by all.

27th - a trip to the park with the dogs, including both of them going for a paddle in an alarmingly deep pond. Completion of Christmas jigsaw puzzle.

28th - trip to Canterbury, mostly an excuse for a longer ride in the new car. New winter coat purchased for me.

29th - another trip out in the car - this time to Heathrow to collect the returning travellers after their epic journey all the way back from New Zealand via China.

30th - Christmas day all over again. Presents for those just returned, Christmas dinner no.2 (turkey), and a Disney Christmas quiz.

31st - a low-key New Year at home - J gone to meet up with friends after a fairly long afternoon nap, I not making it to midnight by about three hours due to the jetlag.

Christmas 19 Christmas 19 Christmas 19 Christmas 19 Christmas 19 Christmas 19 Christmas 19 Christmas 19