Friday 19 June 2020



I have four copies of Monnraker, A Pan paperback from the 1960s, two more recent paperback editions, and a Folio illustrated edition. Sadly what I am missing is a first edition from 1955. A quick look at Harrington's website reveals that this would set me back about £5,000. Or, if I really wanted to go for it, they have a signed association copy (presented to his long-time friend Ivar Bryce) for the bargain price of £55,000.

As for the story itself, I still think that the best part is the business at Blades at the beginning. The second part then takes a while to establish itself, and it's pretty plain what's going on, even if Bond can't see it for himself for a while. Local interest is provided by Bond and Drax driving up and down from London to the Kent coast several times and mentioning a number of landmarks - Charing, Gabriel's Hill, The Tommy Wyatt, etc.

Then, to top things off (what a chauvinist I am - wouldn't happen in a Bond film) he doesn't even get the girl at the end!

Ah well - Diamonds Are Forever next ...