Saturday 27 June 2020


Nicky and I went out today, mostly as a need for some normality. After a week of glorious sunny weather, it rained, so we didn't go far, just for a wander along Rochester High Street. By the time we got there the rain had stopped, but I think that the poor weather, maybe along with the fact that actually not all that much was open, meant that it was fairly quiet. We had some takeaway lunch from Nucleus, and a meander and a look in a few shops. Nicky was pleased to see that Capture the Castle was back open, and strangely we ended up going in to a Comic shop down the other end of the High Street. I think we were drawn in by some entertaining backpacks they had in the window, but then we ended up chatting with the owners for ages, who turned out to be kindred spirits (love of the US, Disney, BTTF ...).