Sunday 26 July 2020


What seems like a very long time ago now, back in August, Jake and I made our predictions for the 2019/20 Premier League. Today was the last day of the season, and so we've been able to see how we did.

We decided that the scoring system should be zero points for getting the league position exactly right, one point for being one out, two for two out, and so on, and that the lowest score would win.

I got 68.

Jake got 70.

Victory - just!

In other news, more painting has been taking place, this time of the garage door. Nicky's previous paint job had rather faded back to brown, and so a new coat of grey has been applied. See below for the before, during and after. (The during is the most convincing picture, and from the before and after photos look suspiciously similar - must be the light - they are definitely different!)

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