Sunday 1 February 2009


I hate the cold. I don't think it's a sign of my advancing years - I always have. I'm gradually working Nicky round to my way of thinking! We're definitely going to have to retire to Florida (provided the exchange rate picks up between now and then). On the way to swimming the car was telling us that the temperature was zero degrees, and the forecasters tell us that it is going to get colder and may well snow tonight. At least in a couple of weeks we will hopefully be getting some warm sunshine. The Orlando forecast over the next ten days seems to range between about 16 and 23: maybe not quite as warm as we would have chosen but considerably better than here.

Looking at DVCNews yesterday and I see that the 2010 points charts have been released. Hopefully we'll be getting a new book soon. There are points charts now for the Treehouse Villas and the Grand Californian, so they will be worth studying. There has been a point reallocation for next year with weekdays costing more and weekends less. Seems to have caused much consternation in the forum (particularly for people who have enjoyed going Sunday to Thursday to take advantage of the current system). I don't think it will make much difference to us as we go for at least a week at a time, but may have to put together a spreadsheet to check!