Tuesday 3 February 2009

Snow days

So we've had a couple of snow days here. Jake's school was closed yesterday, so he was at home. Truth be told he was going to be at home anyway as he'd been rather unwell in the night and really wasn't feeling the ticket. I was supposed to be having meetings around the county, but we managed to do the first one by conference call and postpone the second until later in the week. It was just as well really given that the snow started coming down hard again in the afternoon, and this was the scene along our road:

We didn't get any more snow after yesterday afternoon, but there hasn't exactly been a big thaw so far! Jake's school was open today, but we set off with him and only made it a little way before it was clear that he wasn't going to manage the walk to school, coughing and getting short of breath. So, I turned around and brought him home whilst Nicky carried on with Barley so that she got a decent walk. Nicky called school to explain Jake's absence. Not sure they were convinced by us saying that he was unwell - no doubt they think that we have been playing in the snow all day, but actually Jake spent the morning in bed and has been taking it easy. Hopefully he will be OK for school tomorrow morning - he certainly will be if we are able to get a car out and drive him there!

I was supposed to be in Reading today, but as it was an internal meeting we decided that it was best to postpone it. It is going to be a real challenge to reschedule as there were quite a few people coming, but that's just one of those things. I've actually managed to get a fairly large amount of work done over the last couple of days, with the joys of telecommunications and broadband, but I think that I will try to brave the office (and a visit to Tunbridge Wells) tomorrow.

I've been discovering that we now have loads of ways of taking decent photos and getting them onto the computer (and Flickr). My new phone came with a USB lead, which is extremely useful as I can download photos directly to the laptop, and also it fits Nicky's Sony phone as well, so we can download hers as well. Unfortunately it turns out that she's been on a fairly low res setting for a while, but both phones seem to take decent pictures when they are set up right. Here's one taken by Nicky just after she got the phone in November, as well as one from my phone taken today as I was walking down to the village to get a few provisions.