Thursday 29 October 2009

Delay week

This week has now officially been labelled as "delay week". I was supposed to have my Cardioversion on Tuesday, but as previously mentioned that got postponed. Still, I'm hopeful for a good INR score from today's test - I bled for a bit longer than usual after by blood test today (the nurse kept lifting up the cotton wool, only to put it down again and wait a bit longer as I continued bleed from where the needle had been) so I'm guessing that my blood is nice and thin.

I got back home from the test (today having been designated as a day away from work) and my first job was to phone our solicitor to get an update on the house sale, as we were hoping to exchange in the next day or so. He called back a few minutes after I spoke to him to say that he'd just spoken to the purchaser's solicitor and they'd pulled out! We spoke to the purchaser today, and he confirmed that they had indeed pulled out, due to having a larger than expected financial commitment elsewhere.

As I type this, we've reached the philosophical stage, although I did allow myself a few minutes of feeling thoroughly pissed off, and a few choice words as well. Nicky, being the little dynamo that she is, was straight back in touch with all of the other people who had shown an interest. We've already had one couple come around to look at the house. They love it and have indicated that they would most likely make an offer but first they need to sell their house, which has only just gone on the market. There is another potentially interested party who may get back to us tomorrow, and Nicky has already lined up two agents to come round to look at the property and have a chat with us on Saturday.

Obviously this means that we're knocked back somewhat in terms of timetable. A bit of a blow given that we have plans for some of the money that we are really keen to be getting on with, but we think that the property is of such a high standard and will be appealing to lots of people, meaning that we should get another offer in the not too distant future.

Nicky and Jake have been to a science event at MGGS today which sounds like it was lots of fun. Jake has been enjoying getting stuck in to some hands on experiments!

I went out for a walk in the Autumnal woods with Barley, and here's a photo to prove it.