Friday 2 October 2009

The Lost Symbol

OK, here are some ideas for a book:
  • the need to solve some centuries-old puzzles written in strange symbols
  • a short time period with all of the action taking place in a matter of hours
  • a obsessed lunatic baddie with great power and wealth
  • a chase involving the hero, the baddie and the law authorities
  • action taking place at famous historical landmarks which reveal their hidden secrets
  • mysterious and shadowy secret societies
  • the extrapolation of some cutting edge scientific ideas.

Sound like Angels and Demons or The Da Vinci Code? Well guess what, Dan Brown has given us more of the same in his latest page-turner - The Lost Symbol, the main difference being that the action has been moved to Washington DC.

Do I mind? No, not at all. If Dan Brown had given us something completely different, I would probably have been disappointed. Looking forward to the next Robert Langdon adventure already - hopefully the wait won't be as long this time!