Thursday 2 September 2010


So September is upon us, bringing with it all of the new term joys. Jake was back at school today, and from what little I've managed to glean so far it sounded like the day went well - top of the heap now in Year 6. One of my main memories from 4th year juniors (to use the old money) was our teacher frequently reminding us that we were due for quite a shock when we moved from being the big fish in the small pond to being the minnows in a rather larger pool. I'll do my best to let Jake enjoy being one of the big kids for a while before I start mentioning it.

I've been back at work since the beginning of the week (ignoring the Bank Holiday) and I'm still struggling to get back into it. I suppose it's the sign of a good holiday, but I'm not really back in the work groove yet - need to get that sorted soon as I've got something of a testing time coming up over the next few weeks and months. My employer doesn't like to make things easy for you if you want to progress to the next stage in your career.

Getting back into the news agenda having managed to ignore all current affairs whilst being on holiday, but back into car commuting territory I can't help but catch the headlines even if I'm on 2 rather than 4. Seems to be lots of politicians in the news but not much politics - Tony has written down that he thought Gordon was weird (there's a surprise - mind you it's the most tempted I've been to actually buy a political memoir, even if it is out perhaps a little too soon - with a bit more time maybe a more rounded view will emerge), brotherly love seems to be stretched a bit thin with David and Ed (both of whom went to the same college as me, but had both been and gone by the time I put in an appearance), and William is defending himself against some dodgy allegations. What to make of it all, I have no idea!

Listening to the songs that appear in between the news summaries, I see that Robbie and Gary have recorded a duet. Couple of things: firstly the guitar at the beginning reminds me a bit of a Chris Rice song (an artist we heard on the radio on holiday in Florida a few years back - the Cartoon Song is just priceless!) and secondly, what do the other three make of it all? Don't you think that they might be a bit pissed off that after all the fuss about the return of the prodigal Robbie, the first release might include all of them, rather than just the talented ones?

Oh yeah, and, happy days, I had a visit to the dentist today. Didn't go according to plan, and I emerged minus a few hundred pounds and minus one wisdom tooth. My face aches!