Saturday 15 February 2014


I am sat on the sofa, and Coco seems fairly determined to help me with some typing. She is sat on my lap and is licking / chewing my fingers, making blogging a bit of a challenge.

Jake went to Bluey with Jo today to see Robocop at the cinema. I dropped them off, and did a little bit of shopping myself, as well as reading the paper whilst enjoying a cappuccino, before coming back home to feed the animals.

Nicky was up at her Mum and Dad's for most of the day helping with a bit of a kitchen sort out, and this evening we've been catching up with a few Sochi highlights.

Other than than, a fairly uneventful day. I seem to be doing a good job of proving with the fitbit that I get more exercise at the weekend than during the week. Perils of a desk job.