Saturday 4 July 2015


First Saturday in July, and so it must be Founder's Day. Jake was off to the cathedral this morning, but no parents got tickets due to works going on inside, so we had the morning off. Nicky did the taxi service, and I finally got around to following Jake's IT advice, and getting Google Chrome installed on the Mac, which is making uploading pictures and posting them onto the blog a little bit easier.

We went down to school in the afternoon, and enjoyed lazing in the sun for a while, listening to the athletics announcing ("will another runner from Pitt please come to the start line as we don't have enough competitors yet") and then watching a little bit of the cricket whilst chatting to Mr Fry, who is now the Chairman of the Old Willies, and will also be around during Jake's silver D of E expedition in a few weeks.

Back at home, Jake managed a quick piano practice before I took him over to Georgie's and then the rest of us enjoyed a barbie here this evening.

Off to bed soon. Early starts tomorrow.

Founder's Day Founder's Day Founder's Day