Sunday 6 January 2019

New beginning

Epiphany today, and I got to do the 'Visitors from the east' reading at church from Matthew 2 - all the way up to the wise men being warned in a dream, and going back to their own country by another route.

Jake has returned to London today to start term 2 - he has exams tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday (yes, the same young man as the one featured in the picture in this post is at university now - still getting used to that!). However, he'll be back after his exam on Thursday to collect some more of his stuff.

Rummaging around online this evening, I came across a preview on the Guardian website of books due to be published this year. A very interesting and exciting selection, with quite a few things I didn't know about. Of particular note there is going to be a new Jackson Brodie novel by Kate Atkinson coming out in June. Having failed to go to a signing of Transcription, I may have to try harder to track down an opportunity in June.

And the other news of today, I have sold the Cayman. Still here right now, but due to be collected in the next day or two.