Wednesday 2 January 2019


First day back at work today, and judging by the traffic, I was in the minority. Either that or the schools really do make that much difference. Nicky had a visit at home from one of the car-buying services, and they gave us an offer for the Cayman - for us to ponder for the next few days.

This evening Nicky took Jake and Owen to Bluey so they could go for a meal and to see a film, and so I met her there, and we enjoyed some tapas together. I had a sneaky trip to Waterstones with my book token (Christmas gift from Margaret), and found the latest John Niven at half price in the sale. I'd already been to the T Wells branch at lunchtime and snagged the latest Michael Lewis (The Fifth Risk), also at half price in the sale, and Stephen King's Gwendy's Button Box, not in the sale this time as it came out in 2017, when I somehow managed to miss it, and only became aware of it because there was an excerpt at the end of Elevation. Still £20 left to enjoy on my token.