Sunday 20 July 2008

Guitar Hero

Paul came to see us for the weekend last week, and of course we spent a few hours on Saturday in the pool hall. For the record I think that the score is 12-7, and for the avoidance of doubt, I'm in second place. Paul also brought his XBox with him, and Sunday therefore was spent mostly playing computer games. The hit game was Guitar Hero, and Jake was getting pretty good at it by the end of the afternoon.
This week Jake has had some good news - his end of year report from school was great, he is getting the teacher he was hoping for next year, and to top it off, we heard today that he's got a merit in his Grade 1 piano. So, I guess that he deserves his treat that arrived in the post yesterday - Guitar Hero on Tour. This is a version of the game for his DS, which comes with a special adaptor that plugs into the game slot with the buttons for the guitar. A great success - all we need to find now are his headphones!
We've been having a productive weekend - sorting out the playhouse and removing lots of toddler toys (which are now sat in the garage waiting to go to a boot fair), putting some new shelves up in Jake's room and getting all of his lego onto them, moving shelves from the study into Jake's room, making and putting up a new bathroom cabinet, putting up a blind in the shower room. We've even bought some new flooring for the bathroom and the shower room - but we haven't got as far as taking the carpet up and putting that down yet. Let's just hope it doesn't have to wait as long as the blinds!