Tuesday 31 December 2013


And so we come to the end of 2013, and whilst it is tempting to write the year off, to talk about it being "interesting" or "challenging" or any other coded message for not being very good, I'm not going to do that. Rather, 2013 has been a year which has included some great things, and plenty of reasons to be very positive about what 2014 and beyond will bring as well.

Here are a few reasons to be cheerful about the year just gone:

  • Our son is growing up fast (and not just height-wise, although he is considerably taller than his mother now, and who knows, may well go past me during 2014). He continues to learn things at an alarming rate, and is now far more proficient in a number of subjects when compared to his parents. At sports, I can just about keep up with him at table tennis, although I do worry a little about how I will cope when the table comes out next Spring, and he continues to improve whilst I stay much the same. The same can be said for badminton and pool, where no doubt he will leave me trailing in his wake. He's also passed more exams in both piano and drums, and despite not having any lessons at all, has happily picked up the guitar and started to play. He's started on his D of E awards and has built a new fan base in the local coffee shop where he has been volunteering for the last few months. (Crikey Jake - I hadn't realised just how amazing 2013 had been until I started to put all of this down!)
  • We've all celebrated milestone birthdays this year. Jake joined the teenager club, and Nicky and I both welcomed in a new decade. Lots of birthday highlights to remember from this year, but maybe best of all was being surrounded by friends and family at Nicky's party last month.
  • Two new members have joined our family, arriving a few months ago, and already acting as if they own the place. They've won over everyone they've met, and already we couldn't imagine life without our two new feline friends.
  • We are well and truly settled into our new home, having lived here for just over a year now. Yes, we've had to deal with some problems that the building has presented to us, but we love our home and I can see us sticking around here for quite a few years to come.
  • A number of family members have had health problems during the year, and we've all had more trips to hospitals, home and abroad, than we would have liked! But, we've all come through them, and I'm sure that in some ways it has made family ties even stronger.
  • Personally, I know I've been a bit of a pain with my health over the last year, and in particular in the last couple of months, but I'm really excited now - not only do I have a diagnosis, it is also the case that there is a pretty simple procedure that I can have in the New Year that will sort me out.
  • And finally, what has amazed me most during 2013? It is the one person without whom 2013 really could have been a tough year. She is truly a wonder and I know for sure that I love her more on 31 December than I did on 1 January, and do you know what, I have no doubt that that the same will be true next year as well.
So, farewell to the journey through 2013, and bring on 2014, it's going to be great!