Tuesday 4 March 2014

All green

Today I needed to go to Kingston for work, and decided to go on the train. Three reasons:

  • Financial - my car is on a three year lease and I am allowed to do up to 60,000 miles, and anything over that will start to incur an excess mileage charge. Based on current mileage I am projecting to do a bit more than 60,000 in the three years, so this helps to keep the miles down.
  • Entertainment - I have been pretty poor with my reading over the last few weeks, and so the six train journeys I had today gave me a good opportunity to get stuck into my book, get through about 150 pages, and get properly into the story.
  • Exercise - sitting in the car doesn't count for much by way of exercise, and by taking public transport I ended up doing a fairly large amount of walking, which combined with taking the dog out for a walk in the muddy woods before going, has meant that I have a record-breaking day in terms of steps (since fit-bit records began) of over 12,800. In fact I am all green for the key stats, not just steps: distance - 10.3km, active minutes - 85, calories burned - 2,960.
As I say, I didn't head off first thing this morning, but did a bit of work at home before going, and whilst doing so was listening to my favourite radio station - Z88.3 of Orlando (20 weeks today until we'll be there) and, in case I needed a reminder of why it's my favourite, heard these two songs.