Monday 3 March 2014

For the record

As mentioned in a blog post near to the beginning of last month (and occasionally subsequently) I decided that I would cycle 0.5km x the day of the month for each day in February. Well, I can confirm that I did it, meaning that over the course of the month, I cycled:

0.5 + 1 + 1.5 + ..... + 13.5 + 14 = 203km.

Not bad I think, not bad.

In conjunction with some healthy eating, it meant that by 1 March I was onto 2 pounds away from my target weight, but unfortunately due to enjoying a nice meal out on Saturday, plus birthday lunch on Sunday, plus a weekend of no cycling, by this morning I was actually back to being 4 pounds away!

So, a little cycle today, plus back on the green tea, sushi snack pack, fruit, nuts, and so on today.

I'll get there eventually!

Also, in a quick update on yesterday's blog, finding a solution to a 30 x 3 rectangle is proving elusive so far!

Not quite 30 x 3