Wednesday 13 July 2011

Car trouble

"Water pump collapsed causing auxiliary belt to fall off".

That's what the RAC man's report says, and it turns out that on the whole, this isn't a good thing.

Thankfully it happened not very far from home, so all I was aware of was the fact that lots of warning lights came on in the car, which I made a point of ignoring for the last mile of my journey.

The car will be getting a tow to the local garage in the morning, where hopefully they will be putting it together again.

Unfortunately, I have a rather early start in tomorrow, as I am off to Jersey for a meeting. Being without a working car means that Nicky will be getting up along with me at stupid-o-clock to give me a lift to the airport.

Jake has very sensibly decamped to Nanny and Grandad's so that he doesn't have to be woken up along with the rest of the household.

Right - can't sit here typing. Need to go to bed. It'll be time to get up soon.