Friday 14 October 2011


And so, after a long and embarrassing week, Dr Fox has decided to do the decent thing and fall on his sword. What an absolute shambles our political classes are. Having been through some rough times recently, most notably the expenses debacle, one might have thought that they had learned a painful (including jail time for some) lesson, and that certain standards are expected. It is not just about doing the right thing, it is to always be seen to be doing the right thing that is just as important. Politicians have to continually ask themselves the "man on the Clapham Omnibus" question, which is very simply this: to a regular guy, does anything that I am doing, anything that I am saying, any of the arrangements I have put in place, any of the people I am connected with, appear to dodgy? If the answer is yes, then irrespective of whether it is actually dodgy or not, just don't do it. It is that simple.

I bet that the idiot MP (Letwin) who threw away documents in a bin in a park is extremely grateful that there has been a bigger idiot around this week involved in even more idiocy to keep his idiot story away from the limelight.

Idiots the lot of them.