Sunday 2 October 2011


A successful Sunday for selling superfluous stuff today. Having loaded up the car yesterday Nicky was off at the crack of dawn to set up at the local boot fair. Business was reasonably brisk, and apparently the action man figures were good sellers.

I went over to see how things were progressing just after nine o'clock, and happily spent some of the proceeds on bacon butties and coffee. Wandering round the other stalls there was fairly stiff competition for the sale of old Disney videos, but Nicky still managed to shift some at the bargain price of 20p each. Mind you, as a sign of the times, there were quite a few stalls selling DVDs as well, but thankfully no Bluerays just yet.

Nicky got back a little after midday, about fifty pounds to the good, with a much lighter boot. The good news later in the day was that Erica took a load of educational games and puzzles for her school, so of the first load from the loft, we only have some videos left.

Later this afternoon Jake and I both enjoyed the football. Jake's team won, scoring 5, but I'm just as happy with the two that my team managed, as it was one more than our North London rivals!