Thursday 20 October 2011

Open evening

Jake's had his open evening at school today, and so it was his turn to be one of the ones in the know, rather than one of the timid ones looking around the big and scary school! Having done that, half term has been declared (as tomorrow is a training day) and so he has just over a week of relaxing and catching up on sleep from all of those early morning trips to the bus stop.

We are very proud parents, and it's fantastic to see how well he has settled in. A well-deserved half term break, and then long may this good start continue.

A confession - normally at blogging time I might have a sneaky late night snack. Not allowed to today. I'm going to go (at last) for the blood tests that the doctor asked me to do a fair few weeks ago tomorrow morning, so it's no food for me until after I've had it in the morning.

Nearly ordered my car - just trying to make the all important colour decision. Have a look at and put in a vote if you like!

Anyway, just to really wind certain people up - apparently there's a machine on a mountain somewhere between Reno and Rome, and within it's plexiglass dome another biggle-ball will be dropping fairly soon as I'm off to bed. Our man will count the balls as they plup into a cup, because after all, that's how we know who's down and who's up.