Tuesday 14 June 2011


Work conference in London today. We were in the Grosvenor House Hotel - all 800 or so of us.

Here isn't the place to go on about some of the strategy stuff that we talked about, but one speaker we had was a doctor (Dr John Briffa), and he was there to talk to us about healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.

Here are the key messages as I understood them and took them away from his talk:

  • Eat like a caveman (meat, fruit, vegetables, berries, nuts - things that our ancestors ate, avoid too much carbohydrate, and avoid processed foods that have been dreamt up in laboratories in recent years that our bodies aren't well equipped to deal with).
  • Drink plenty of water (our brains suffer when we are dehydrated).
  • Get some exercise (don't have to go mad at the gym, but walk, take the stairs, be more active).
  • Get enough sleep (go to bed earlier, an hour of sleep before midnight is worth two after).
  • Get out in the sunlight (the health giving properties of getting a decent amount of light exposure outweigh the perceived risks from the sun).
  • Be positive about making a change (it doesn't take a complete overhaul, a few small changes can make a significant difference - have the right attitude).
Right, I'd better get off to bed then!