Wednesday 15 June 2011


A day of visits. Let me tell you about the second one first - we had a meeting this evening at Jake's new school, which he will be joining in September.

As we arrived, parents and pupils were split, with parents ushered into the hall for various talks whilst the pupils went to meet the rest of their form and their new teacher.

Afterwards, Jake returned happy, and we had a chance to have a quick chat with his year 7 teacher. First impressions are good, and Jake seems to be very positive about the impending change.

I've been very impressed with the transition process and how the school helps pupils and parents with the change. This evening's session was worthwhile, Jake has already had a visit to his current school from one of the teachers at his new one, he will be spending a taster day there next Thursday, he's signed up for a two day cricket course at the start of the school holidays when he will get a chance to meet some more teachers and fellow year 7 pupils, and we've booked his (no doubt expensive) appointment to go into the school uniform shop during the summer holidays to get kitted out.

Hopefully by September it will feel like pretty familiar territory.

My other visit today was to Wimbledon, as I had a meeting to attend at the tennis club. It also gave me a chance to pick up our passes for next week, and we had a quick wander around the site, which included walking through the players' entrance to Centre Court (past the cabinets containing the trophies and underneath the famous "If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same" quote) although obviously standing on the grass was not permitted. We also had a quick look at the newly completed No.3 court, and we were shown where we would be able to sit on this show(ish) court with our ground passes.

Also whilst we were there we were able to watch one of the tournament entrants having a practice on an outside court. To the side of the court, right where we walked past were some rather famous spectators as well.

So, the names of the people we saw today: Federer, Henman, and Middleton!