Thursday 9 June 2011


Whilst I was away on holiday, a very progressive move was made in the office. Namely, a ping pong table has arrived. I enjoyed a game this afternoon, particularly as I edged a 21-19 win against a fairly decent player.

Whilst we were at Bluewater on Jake's birthday, I snuck into Waterstone's for a while, and came out with four new books. I've already started two of them. One is Dave Gorman's latest, in which he takes on all comers at games of their choice (after posting a tweet to ask if anyone fancied a game) and he's already enjoyed a few games of table tennis. The other one (thanks to a recommendation from Mum and Dad) is Lyttelton's Britain, which is a collection of Humph's geographical introductions from I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue. I've already been banned from reading that one in bed, because I keep sniggering. (There's only one thing missing from that book - I can hear Humph's voice as I read them, and surely every one of them should end with "Now, let's meet the teams!")

A final mention for the ping pong - Jake and I had a game at Robin Hill last week - they have an outdoor table on the playing field at the bottom of the hill, and we could borrow bats and balls from the ice cream hut. I found it fairly tough going - I was playing into the wind.

Catching up on other book news, I finished off the latest Grisham (The Confession) the other day. Another page turner, and another rant against the death penalty, and rightly so. The latest Alex Cross (Cross Fire) came out in paperback today so I picked that up as Waterstone's had it for less than half price. Noticed while I was in there that Grisham's second Theodore Boone has also just come out in hardback. One to grab when the paperback appears.

I had a quick break in the middle of the Grisham to read I Left My Tent in San Francisco, borrowed from Nanny. I had spotted in the Smiths at Ebbsfleet whilst we were waiting to board our Eurostar train a few weeks ago, and thought it looked good. Having looked at the reviews, her earlier book, (The Tent, The Bucket and Me) gets higher praise, so I may have to give that a go sometime soon.

So many books, so little time.