Sunday 18 December 2011

Day 2 - settling in

Having wireless internet in our rooms is a real bonus. Means that I can sit here typing away on the iPad to blog. Jake is playing on his PSP, John has just gone down to guest services to get park tickets for him and Margaret, and Nicky and Margaret are out on the balcony watching the folders on the 7th green. Yesterday was a long day. A combination of the later flight plus a few waits at MCO meant that we didn't get to the hotel until after nine o'clock. We were allocated building 64, which is nice and close to the main facilities of the resort. Other than getting a few essential provisions from the hotel store, we weren't up to much yesterday evening, and so after unpacking (or even before in some cases) we were off to bed. Up early this morning, and after a little explore of our surroundings we headed out to stock up more fully at Publix, and then went to Red Lobster for an early lunch. This is already making a case for getting pretty high up in the charts of our favourite Orlando restaurants, and I have a feeling that we might be going there again before the holiday is out. About to go and get on a boat to Downtown.