Tuesday 5 June 2012


Evening all, or morning for those of you in a more advanced time zone!

So, picking up from where we left out, we went out for a group dinner last night to what I think may have been a converted monastery at the top of a steep hill overlooking the city. The views were great, but sadly I hadn't taken a camera or phone with me so didn't manage to get any pictures of the views. Lots of people did, so I'll see if I can get someone to send a picture over to me so that I can show you.

We didn't get back too late, and I fell straight into bed and off to the land of nod. I only woke up once or twice in the night, and only long enough to check the time and go back to sleep. I'd set the alarm on my phone for 7.45, but only because it hand't realised we were no longer on Miami time - in Costa Rica terms, that was actually 5.45.

The early start was due to the plan to leave for the office at 7.15, which we all duly did in a couple of minibuses after breakfast. It was great to see home on FaceTime this morning before we left, and I've since been able to see Nicky's recent iPhone photos thanks to the wonders of clouds and wireless networks.

The day was spent in meetings in the office (well in what they call the "auditorium" at the front of their office building) before minibusing back here at the end of the day, and this evening we went to a Peruvian restaurant near the hotel.

Tomorrow is another day of meetings, and then on Wednesday we get a day out to Tabacon Hot Springs - check it out here and let me know what you think.

And to finish for today, here's a photo taken this morning out of my hotel room window.

View from room