Thursday 10 February 2011


Well it is still my birthday but not by much. I've been testing out one of my birthday presents which is a (music) keyboard that plugs into a USB port on the Mac and works with Garage Band. Lots of fun.

I suppose it was a bit of a downer going into the office today when I'd been at home earlier in the week, but better better than poorly. Besides which, work got me a card and then my bosses bought me a cake at lunchtime. They only let themselves down by asking if it was a milestone birthday and when I said no they assumed that the milestone must have already passed.

I will make sure to thank everyone in person for their kind cards and generous gifts, but if you're reading this before I get round to it, then thanks very much.

One of my more unusual presents was a new edition from the Shrewsday times. I am honoured indeed.