Wednesday 16 February 2011


The latest arrival in the kitchen is a bread-maker, purchased at the start of the week because it was a bargain in Sainsbury's.

So, Nicky made me a sandwich packed lunch to take to work with me yesterday with home baked bread. My sandwich bag made it as far as the bottom of the stairs, but then in between putting my shoes on and getting in the car, it got left behind.

I had a call just as I got on the motorway saying "Guess what you left behind?!"

The sandwich was safely stored in the fridge, and to avoid mishap this morning, Nicky put my sandwich bag in the car for me while I was getting dressed.

Today's sandwich was made from a granary loaf. Apparently it's white tomorrow.

M&S are going to start fearing for my health if I don't appear there at a lunchtime soon!