Thursday 17 November 2011


Sat in the Brighton branch of the Gourmet Burger Kitchen this evening I was reading the paper and doing the crossword whilst enjoying my cheese n bacon burger and chocolate shake. The article that particularly caught my eye was about the Christmas advert offerings from the major retailers. It was enjoying poking fun at M&S who have something of a Christmas turkey on their hands thanks to an X Factor effort which is in equal parts lame (due to X Factor all of a sudden seeming like yesterday's news) and embarrassing (thanks to drug scandals). Mind you, it didn't think much of the Morrison's effort either - an entire advert built around getting Brucie to utter the immortal line, "good game, good game".

But, the article was deficient in one notable way. There is only one Christmas advert that even remotely matters, and we saw it for the first time this year a couple of days ago, and I was called into the lounge especially to see it. It is an advert that makes you think of some of the best things about the festive season and then effortlessly associates all of those positive feelings with the product. Genius.

Holidays and coming.